About MUA
hello im Nora this and is my wonderful (journalism club) blog.Nice right? HAHA. Ok so go and read BYE


esss journalism blog
jia jia

Rachel tan
Wai Ling
Fion Teo
Jia Wei
Fion Tioh

done by zheliel
inspiration from RIS LOW♥
Racial Harmony Day - Back again!
Friday, July 22, 2011

Racial Harmony Day – Back again!

Racial Harmony Day is back again to commemorate the 1964 riots that happened in 21st July. This year the school looks colourful again with students and even teachers were dressed in their traditional costumes with different designs. The mood was hyped up in the morning as everyone was excited to see what nice costumes other students

will wear. After practising how to say the pledge in Mandarin and in Malay, everyone took the pledge in Mandarin today. The students were still excited to see what event is going to happen in the hall even though they had normal lessons.

Still remember what happened in the hall? I’m sure you did, there were interviews for teachers and students to answer the questions posed related to racial harmony.

Next, was something new that everyone in the hall would see which the Debate is whether “Singaporeans today have forgotten their cultural roots” or not? Both sides debated and congratulations to the team that

Donovan Wan from 3E1 was more than happy to win the “Best – Speaker” award with his unique voice and way of speaking. Then, the students from different races came up the stage and demonstrated professionally on how to put on their traditional costumes like the samping and the sari.

Also, the Chinese taught how to use a chopstick that seemed hard for the people from other races to use.

The audience then drum rolled when the host was going to reveal the class that won the “Best-Dress Class” for each level. The students from 3E2 who obviously was very proud that their class won the award screamed and cheered too.

And the moment that the entire Sec 2s and Sec 3s have been busy with for has arrived. The fusion dance performance for the Sec3s and the Bazaar for the Sec 2s.

Every class in Sec 3 has to create a fusion dance consisting of students from different races, song, costumes and dance steps. With the innovation and synergy, fortunately every class did a splendid job and created a stronger bond between classmates.

The winning classes excelled in the dance and all the performers definitely have resilience in them as it wasn’t easy to get the dance steps well planned.

Congratulations once again for the winning classes. After a tiring day, the Sec 2s then set up a bazaar for all the teachers and students to finish their money buying all sorts of delicious foods and thirst-quenching iced drinks. The day then ended with a positive energy of racial harmony and this day does keep memories alive.


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Speech Day 2011’

Everyone was thrilled and just can’t wait for it to start. The day has finally arrived and it is time for all the performers to give their best and impress the audience after weeks of hard work. In the hall, everyone including our Principal was waiting for the guest-of-honour. Parents were also checking in and the graduating classes went to their seats just waiting for the concert to begin. All they could hear was the performers practicing to play perfectly later. Without the help of prefects and members of the UG, that day wouldn’t have gone so smoothly.

First up was a video about our school followed by a wonderful piano performance by our schoolmate. Everyone stood up to welcome the guest-of-honour who came in, accompanied by our principle Mrs Jalil, after a warm greeting by our UG members leading the way. As soon as they got to their seats, the school song was played and Eastspringians sang loudly, putting their hearts into the song. Mrs Jalil then had a short speech abut the Principal’s Report, introducing the theme for the concert called ‘Symphonic Canvas’.

It was to showcase the grace of the performing arts. Right after that, the prize winner went up one by one, taking home their prize as they have done exceptionally well academically and made the school proud. Not only there was an Academic Excellence Award, there were also kinds of awards like the Bilingual Award, Long Service Award and also the Promotion awards. The fun begins when the performers got on stage getting the audience hyped up and entertained. As they have tried their best to win awards for the SYF, they then proudly present the performances to the audience.

The day ended with good food at the foyer where everyone got to have dinner along with the beautifully played songs by our school Band. That day definitely kept memories alive.


Let's Move It !
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Written by: Siti Namirah (3e4) and Sharifah Nora (3e1)

Finally exams are over ! The students are waiting to have their big break after a busy and stressful term. It was then time to get hyped up and to have fun. A company named Skratch came to East Spring Secondary School to teach and showcase their talent and passion in Hip Hop to us, the sec 3s. We anticipated in the activity, with enthusiasm. They first taught us about the different genres of Hip Hop. There are dancing, singing, rapping and even beat-boxing! There was a surprise guest from America who came to Singapore to showcase his talent to us. We were all so amazed by his talent of imitating a famous Hip Hop celebrity, T-Pain. Then, an awesome 4 time national beat-boxer, ZulMyStroe, made the audience wanting for more. His performance blown our minds away! The best part of day was when we got to get on our feet and move our body to the song by Beyonce. The song was catchy and made us enjoy the dance move taught by the instructors.

Here are some of what the sec3s taught about the programme.

What do you think of the programme that the school has organized ?
It was fun and it helped students to release their stress that was accumulated . –Adriannah(3e4)
Did you have fun and would you attend this kind of programme again?
Yes ! The beat-boxer was so cool ! I would definitely want more of this programme. –Eunice Lim (3e5)


This photo was taken in the Temple in Chinatown.
Doesn’t it stand out from the background. It even looks like the sun overlapped with designs and brings out the Chinese culture with its unique designs. I wonder if it means anything…

Wow, look at the shiny pots. It comes in different colors. I would have bought that if I had money.
Every pot has different designs on it, Just like all of us, we’re all different and unique
just the way we are.

I heard and saw of movies about masks. They can be really scary, as if there was a soul trapped in it
Once you wear it , you can be a different person. But whatever it is, we can’t change who
we really are inside.

John. Even an English name can be written in Chinese. They can even be in the same card.
Only if the whole world could live in peace and harmony, regardless of race, language and religion like we do in our island, Singapore.

Looks yummy right? All sprinkled with sweets and heart-shaped candy. But we’ll never know how it tastes like unless we try it. Just like people, we never know how the person is like, just by judging the person by how the person looks like. Don’t judge the book by its cover.

bye yall wehehe

Some photosss from last year!

it is taken in Pulau Ubin when me and my family were just taking a stroll.

This beautiful photo is taken in the pool where there is my little cousin playing in it. We can see how excited she is.

Personal Portfolio
Saturday, February 19, 2011

Climate Change

Look at the photo above, the upper part shows how beautiful the mountain is when the country is experiencing winter.The soft, cold breeze in winter time always cheers people up, where the children could play in the snow and throw snowballs at each other but look at the lower part of the picture, this is what it happening now.
Global warming is already shown side effects. The heat of the sun is just unbearable now this is happening around the world.Like in North Pole, the snow is melting and when it melts, it won't be as cold anymore and it won't be suitable for the animals to live and do you want them to extinct? I guess not, it also affects us, when the ice melts, sea level would rise and our lives would be in jeopardy when we drown. And when the world is heating up the ground may be unsuitable to grow our crops and we wouldn't have fresh crops anymore.Wonder what caused this? Us, humans, who used, for example, CFC sprays that contains poisonous chemicals that caused holes in the ozone layer that which will then cause the sun's rays to be shined directly to the earth and cause global warming. So what can we do now? we can always start to use the 3Rs and make the world a better place to live in and let the use of CRCs and incineration a thing of the past.

THIRD School's Record Challenge
The school's record challenge, which everyone has been waiting for, happened on 17 February 2011. Everyone was looking forward to it with synergy, bringing lots of old clothes for the challenge where the students of ESSS, the staff, the teachers, the alumni, students for ESPS and also some parents who were involved, had to combine all the old clothes to make a huge map of Singapore at the parade square and also with the help of 10 representatives from each class.

Before moving on, what happened before that was that the students from every class had to all participate in climbing up the highest floor of their respective blocks that they assigned to and then go to their respective floors, for example, level 8, to distribute the flyers about Total defence day and what the school record's challenge is about, to the residents there. This helps them to be aware of what total defence day is about and to be ready for any emergencies.
Now this is what happened next, the students got ready to go to the parade square and start laying out the old clothes and create the map of Singapore while the others went to the ground floor to witness the spectacular event. Although the sun was scorching hot, the students was still resilient enough to finish the map. They also sang the national anthem with all their hearts and ended the event with a treat of ICE COOL MILO for their work and enthusiasm.This wouldn't have happened without all of us working together as one, with a common goal.

Valentine's Day

I'm sure everyone of you here, young or old, have heard of Valentine's Day, right? it is on 14 February. It is a day where people show their love and affection towards another whom they love and cherish. They could give cards of heart shaped pillows or even teddy bears which they would hold on to and treasure it.
Some would even give roses, but does the different colours of roses mean differently. Let me introduce to you what the colours are. There are the red rose, white rose,yellow and pink roses.

These are the meanings for it, the pink rose and the yellow rose have likely the same meaning which is to show joy, and happiness for one. The red rose is the most popular rose of all where people usually give out on Valentine's Day. It shows the love and romance of one for another which is kind of the perfect colour to choose and give to our loved ones on Valentine's Day. But the white rose has the greatest meaning of all. Most people think that the white rose symbolises purity and innocence which is true but it just really meant the true meaning of love like the love of a husband for his wife.

So have a great Valentine's Day and share the love.